Har just anländigt hem från dansen! Det var mycket roligt, men det blev nästan lite våldsamt när vi skulle leka tidningsleken... men annars var det lika kul som alltid.
Lite senare lägger jag upp lite bilder jag och Amanda tog idag!
Translation: Just got home from dance! It was a lot of fun, but it became a little violent when we did one special exercise ("the rolled-up newspaper game"). . .otherwise it was just as fun as usual.
A little later this evening I'll post a few pictures that Amanda and I took!
Translation: Just got home from dance! It was a lot of fun, but it became a little violent when we did one special exercise ("the rolled-up newspaper game"). . .otherwise it was just as fun as usual.
A little later this evening I'll post a few pictures that Amanda and I took!